
Deep Currents

Have you ever stood hip-deep in a stream and felt the steady rush of water around your feet? Those are the deep currents – the currents that keep the water moving and flowing. Life comes with some sunny and calm days AND stormy and choppy days; they all make up the ebb and flow of…

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Are You Making Too Much Meaning?

We are both blessed and cursed to be meaning-making machines. While being able to assume, generalize, and deduce allows us to function in the world, sometimes our need to make meaning causes limitations in ourselves, in others, and in our organizations. Our need to describe everything we encounter in a particular and specific way causes…

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Back to School

This time of year is one of my favorites; the weather is cooler, the leaves start to fall, and pumpkins are decorating the neighborhood. And of course, the kids head back to school to tackle new challenges and learn new things. Even more than spring, it is a time of beginnings. My daughter started high…

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Positive Self -Talk: It Starts Here

Think of some of the things you told yourself today. How positive is your self-talk? How productive? I often find that my self-talk is not very productive or positive at all – “Why did you eat that bag of chips? That was not a great idea. Chips are NOT a part of my eating plan!”…

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What does it mean to be integrated? In our sense, it means we are unified, coordinated, cohesive. Businesses all rely on each member – on integration – to get work accomplished, and even families depend on each of their individual gifts to make the home and family run smoothly. I’ve recently realized that I feel…

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Leading by Fergi – Lesson #8

Feeling Rusty I’m feeling rusty.  Fergi and I usually do our agility training weekly, but due to vacation and an off week, we haven’t been to class for two weeks. So not only is missing class leaving me dry for blog material, it’s also making me feel a little rusty, and I don’t like it. …

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Take the 30-Day Challenge

Recently inspired by a client’s successful experiment, I became motivated to commit to a series of experiments around positive changes I intend to make in both my leadership and my life. First, I examined elements of my life I would like to change – obvious things like weight loss, regular exercise, and reading; from there…

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Trusting Your Direction

Recently, I’ve noticed that I have been using my GPS or navigation system on my phone more frequently. Even when I know the way, I engage the navigation – just in case there is a faster way. And I engage it even if I know that faster way, because there may be an even newer,…

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Leading by Fergi – Lesson #7

Empowering Others I got frustrated with my agility trainer last night when she reminded me, for the millionth time, that I should not be giving Fergi treats from my hand; I should be rewarding her by throwing her ball, which has a big chunk of salmon inside (and thereby rewarding her away from me). Treating…

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What is Your Story

What is your story, the story of your life, the reason for your existence? As I sit quietly amidst the background chatter at Quincy Market on a sweltering summer day, I am realizing that our story is less about what we can tell, and more about what we will experience, share, and contribute. Many of…

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