
Do we really need HR?

“Do we really need a dedicated Human Resources department or HR staff?” is a common question every small organization asks at some point in its growth path. Because several business requirements and compliance topics affect organizations of 50 or more employees, the question becomes more important as a small organization nears this critical population mass….

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The 5 P’s of an Awakened Leader

We know that as the pace of change in the world accelerates, both the challenges and opportunities for leaders and organizations grow exponentially. We must rely less on past successes and what we know and more on being open, willing and prepared to continually learn, adapt and grow if we intend to remain relevant. A…

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Busy: How to Thrive in a World of Too Much

When you ask people these days how they’re doing, the answer is often about how busy they are – there is always so much to do and not enough time. The book “Busy” by Tony Crabbe suggests that many of us use “busy” as a badge of honor to emphasize that we are working hard….

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Just because we think it doesn’t make it so.

I love the power of thought. I love how much influence it has over our actions and behaviors. I love how it’s first informed by emotion and I love how it can truly deceive us. Yes, the power of our own minds can deceive us. I often witness this with my 6-year-old son. He says…

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Stretch for Energy

What stretches you, and what energizes you?
In this busy holiday season, most of us are stretched to the max – whether with shopping, decorating, social engagements or end-of-year work. So how do we stay energized?

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Tune into Motivation

Who doesn’t love a good session with your favorite bands? My session usually involves riding in my car with music blaring through the speakers, while I try secretly to sing along. Meaningful and motivational lyrics always strike me, and I’ve learned along the way that many of my emotions are tied to them. The song…

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Who’s in Your Fab Five?

I believe we are the average or sum total of the five people we associate with most often. I once heard that your income is actually the average of your five closest friends. And while financial results are one way of measuring our well-being – although not the best – I am intrigued by this…

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Either/Or Thinking

Forget “either/or” thinking. It is one of the biggest obstacles to creative- and opportunity-minded thinking. In a world and culture of almost unlimited options and choices, this artificial distinction of choosing one thing over another as if there is only one right choice can result in a missed – perhaps better – opportunity. While you…

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Baby Steps

Think of some of the inspirational quotes about baby steps that you’ve read – Small steps to big change… Take one small step in the direction of your dreams… Big things change with many small steps… What small step have you taken today? Studies, research, and self-improvement articles often remind us that small steps, done…

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The Power of Language

Do you have the language of leadership? How is what you’re saying affecting you as leader? Whether in your life, your family, your team, or your community, what is your language saying about your leadership? I was recently working with a client on her awareness of her language – of what she was saying, and…

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