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Things We're Learning Podcast Image

Things We’re Learning

The most effective leaders are lifelong learners. That includes Ralph and Bill. Listen and hear what they’ve been focused on lately. You’ll likely learn something yourself and find inspiration to continue your own personal and professional development.

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Cult of Personality Podcast

Cult of Personality

This episode is inspired by the Living Color song “Cult of Personality,” the lyrics to which contrast the personalities of historical world leaders. There’s a level of dichotomy inherent in the most effective leadership. Having the agility to embrace seemingly…

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Podcast Header Image - Communal Time

Communal Time

In some European organizations, it’s common to give all employees simultaneous time off, often for extended periods. The policy may sound absurd, but it has proven to make employees happier and more productive by creating space for communal time, which…

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Unfounded Confidence

It requires a level of unfounded confidence to “fake it ‘til you make it.” Unfounded confidence is not necessarily a negative trait, and in fact can pave the way to a higher level of leadership competence. But there are pitfalls…

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Leading Up

Even leaders have leaders. And sometimes it’s challenging for leaders to express concerns and offer feedback to those at a higher level of leadership. The solution lies in learning to lean into the inevitable discomfort of sharing your perspective with…

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Old School Credibility

You’ve probably heard the saying “I wouldn’t ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.” Perhaps you’ve said it yourself. But is it actually a sustainable leadership philosophy? After all, as leaders, we can’t possibly do everything ourselves. In…

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Redefining AI

In the context of today’s episode, AI means more than artificial intelligence. It means Applied Impact. Listen as Ralph and Bill demystify artificial intelligence and discuss ways to harness technology to drive productivity and make a positive impact on your…

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Today’s advice: limit the essential elements of your leadership to a vital few. Listen as Ralph and Bill discuss the critical importance of focus, and learn how you can sharpen your focus to optimize your leadership, and ultimately energize your…

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Mapping What Matters Most

We often make critical decisions and changes before doing the introspective work necessary to identify what really matters most to us. Being more intentional about identifying what’s most important to us in our lives and careers is the first step…

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