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Rushing vs. Rhythm podcast cover image

Rushing vs. Rhythm

Inspired by ideas set forth by Ellen Tadd in her book The Infinite View, Ralph and Bill discuss the importance of our natural rhythms and how finding and maintaining the optimal flow can be crucial to our effectiveness in leadership and…

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Know When to Say No podcast header

Know When to Say No

Ralph and Bill return to a topic they previously discussed in an episode called “The Yes List,” offering more practical tips on declining requests. It’s an essential skill because leaders can’t possibly commit to everything they’re asked, but saying no…

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Checking Your Vitals Podcast

Checking Your Vitals

Just as you or your doctor monitor key criteria to evaluate your health, there are leadership and organizational vital signs that can – and should – be checked regularly to identify and address issues before they become obstacles to success.…

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Toxic Independence Podcast

Toxic Independence

Independence is certainly a virtuous trait, but taken to an extreme, independent thinking and acting can hinder relationship building, cooperation, and collaboration within an organization. Listen as Bill and Ralph break down the idea of toxic independence and offer tips…

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Things We're Learning Podcast Image

Things We’re Learning

The most effective leaders are lifelong learners. That includes Ralph and Bill. Listen and hear what they’ve been focused on lately. You’ll likely learn something yourself and find inspiration to continue your own personal and professional development.

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