
The World is Your Oyster

I read an article in the Sunday paper a few weeks back titled “The world is your oyster – if you pry it open”, written by Bruce Ramsey of The Seattle Times. He begins with advice to graduates, “Some time in your life, live outside the United States. Not only will you be in another…

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Mama Bear

My mama bear spirit surfaced this weekend. And, she was in full attack mode. Protective of her cub, the claws came out and the teeth were gnashed! And yet, my cub was fine…in fact, he was better than his mother. How do we reconcile the “less than perfect” facets of ourselves with our vision of…

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Perfect Moments

As coaches, we speak a lot about the importance of energy renewal in four important areas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In training, we brainstorm about different options for each. When we coach individuals, we continually go back to “what are you doing to renew yourself?”. We personally commit to renewing ourselves in each area…

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Looking Inside

I was recently shaken by some tragic news. And while not all that familiar with the facts leading to this tragic event, I couldn’t help but think of how many of us are battling silent demons each day. Sometimes these battles are so troubling that it becomes so difficult to look inside that we are…

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Making It Stick

Making anything stick requires going beyond the intellectual understanding to embodying the change through constant practice. It is with practice that we move through the four levels of learning ultimately ending up at the level of unconscious competence. At this level of unconscious competence,  we have created the neural connections in such a way that…

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

Nothing changes if nothing changes. And the most important thing that needs changing from time to time is our thinking, While behavior and action are important, they are not even close to being as important as your thoughts and feelings. It is these thoughts and feelings that inhibit or enhance future growth and development. Unfortunately…

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Open to Opening

I was re-listening to a course that I participated in a few years ago with Jerry Stocking. The subject of the course was intuition, an area that I was intending on developing or connecting with more strongly. I had what seemed to be many “aha” moments throughout the three day course, however the concept that…

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The Creation Cycle

Ever since I was a young kid, I was fascinated with how things got created. And while I never was really good at doing it myself, I was intrigued with the process of having an idea and eventually turning that idea into something tangible. Fast forward approximately forty years or so and once again I…

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Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

“Simplify, simplify, simplify, make the affairs of your life number one and two.” – Henry David Thoreau So what do you  think Thoreau means by this? I don’t think he literally means one or two. However this sage advice from the 19th century philosopher may be quite timely for those of us in the 21st century…

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I Surrender, But I’m Not Giving Up

The word surrender often times implies giving up, or perhaps giving in, and the negative connotations associated with quitting. But what I think we are really doing when we surrender is stopping the ego from resisting “what is.” When we surrender, we stop the struggle and the fight and we turn the issue over to our…

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