
Plastic Empathy

The English language is full of idioms.  Remember this one? “Plastic Smile” Definition:  a fake or forced smile, when someone appears to be happier than they really are I remember it from high school. My friends and I would be walking to our next class and pass someone walking in the opposite direction; there would…

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Simplifying the Complicated

I am often surprised at how I can complicate things, whether in business or life. We get so busy planning and doing that we sometimes forget why we are doing it in the first place. There is so much to do, so many places to get to, so much to accumulate, that sometimes we are…

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You’re In Charge: Now What?

I will never forget my first promotion, moving from sales representative to team leader, supporting a team of three inside-sales representatives. It was an exciting time, and I couldn’t wait to dive right in. After the first week in my new role, my excitement was replaced with doubt and my dive-right-in attitude turned into hesitation….

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Emotional Intelligence in Action

Emotional Intelligence consists of a dynamic and interdependent relationship between Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. It can be developed. But its true effectiveness is tested in present moment application.  Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, motivating ourselves, managing emotions well in ourselves and…

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Time is a Choice

In an article published in the June issue of More Magazine, Sharon Cotliar interviewed author Laura Vanderkam on how to earn more and still have time for yourself.  Sounds fantastical, doesn’t it?  When Vanderkam researched her latest book, I Know How She Does It, she discovered some great tips to help achieve this. Make time for regular exercise….

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Strengthening Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is creating quite a buzz in corporate America. Organizations appreciate the benefits and bottom-line results they receive when their leaders consistently connect emotionally with their employees. The ability to emotionally connect with employees is inspiring and creates a stronger sense of followership in supporting the organization’s mission and high-leverage goals. Recognizing our own…

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When Being a “Slacker” is Positive

Slack “Slacker,” “slacking off” – not something that most people appreciate or strive for as a descriptive adjective. But what if I could help you understand that one of the surest ways to increase bandwidth and true productivity is to become a slacker? In their book “Scarcity,” authors Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir explain the…

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Internal GPS

I was intrigued recently when I heard someone pose the question, “is google making us stupid”? My first inclination was to say no, of course not. I was thinking that it provides an opportunity for many people to access information and resources rather easily and quickly. I was having a hard time seeing the relevance…

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Cruise Control Inoperative

My son and I were on our way to karate class when the instrument panel of my car flashed, Cruise Control Inoperative. Without hesitation I immediately went into problem solving mode, instructing my son to retrieve the owner’s manual from the glove compartment, to look up the problem. And then in a moment, that I…

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The Authentic Leader

Last week, the guest speaker of SheForward shared one of her favorite quotes: “To thine own self be true…”, William Shakespeare. This in follow-up to the question: What advice would you give a young manager beginning to develop their leadership style? Her response, be yourself, be genuine, be authentic. I have to admit, it’s easy to veer…

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