
The 12 Days of Leadership – Day 1

This holiday season, we are once again sharing our version of the 12 Days of Christmas, with a focus on leadership. This year, however, we are expanding on each day. These gifts, when internalized and integrated, lead to increased levels of effectiveness and transformation. On the first day of leadership, my coach gave to me;…

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Ralph Simone on leadership: You have to be a life-long learner

Ralph Simone is on a mission to help people become more effective. That mission was recently advanced with an interview by Stan Linhorst of the Syracuse Newspapers, in which Ralph’s leadership and personal life philosophies were explored. Ralph reflects on the impact of life experiences – from newspaper deliveries to sports to Sweetheart Market –…

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The 12 Days of Leadership

For the Holiday Season, we thought it would be helpful to share our version of the 12 days of Christmas, with a focus on leadership. These gifts, when internalized and integrated, lead to increased levels of effectiveness and transformation. On the first day of leadership, my coach gave to me – one compelling vision. On…

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Effective Leaders Keeping it Real – Bill Berthel’s TEDx talk

Bill Berthel – “Effective Leaders Keeping it Real” Bill shares his ideas that effective leaders are not too optimistic but realistic about the potential outcomes of what they are leading. As a Core Energy Leadership Coach, Bill enjoys working with people who seek higher levels of awareness and consciousness in leadership roles. Development in their…

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Slow Down to Go Faster – Ralph Simone’s TEDx talk

 Ralph Simone – “Slow Down to Go Faster: The Power of Pause” Inspired by actor, martial artist, and philosopher Chuck Norris, and based on research from the Slow Movement in Italy, Ralph Simone of Emergent shares the practices that will get you into “flow” state and optimize your performance simply by slowing down. “Our…

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The Nudge – A Leadership Practice

“The Nudge” is a leadership practice to remind the busy leader that each moment is a “teachable” moment for both teacher and student. Every day we have chance encounters with strangers, passing conversations with neighbors and routine contacts with our friends, colleagues or customers. If you think they don’t matter, consider this: A ball placed…

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What is Succession Planning, and Who Needs to Think About It?

In today’s business world, things aren’t quite as cut and dried as they used to be. Right up until recent times, small or family-run businesses were usually kept within the family. As one family member retired, another took their place. But nowadays, people are more frequently encouraged to follow their own paths, even if that…

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Emotional Intelligence: What Is It, and How Can You Achieve It?

The popular magazine Psychology Today defines emotional intelligence as: “the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which…

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Leadership Development – How Emergent Helps You Create Change

With the onset of technology, changes in society and new workplace ideals and attitudes, the business environment has changed greatly in just a few years. As a leader at your company, you may be faced with feelings of uncertainty. While you might feel confident that you can manage your workforce, you might not feel quite…

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