Bill Berthel

Circle of Influence

When I first heard the phrase, “Leaders bring the weather,” it brought me back to wrestling practice in high school. Always eager to get a leg up on our future opponents, we made a literal change to our training environment: to increase the temperature in our small upstairs gym, we wrapped ice packs around the…

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Inspirational Gratitude

At Emergent, we often discuss the transformative power of gratitude.  True gratitude is much more than a polite gesture. It is a deeply-felt expression of appreciation and acknowledgment born from the knowledge that our success is made possible by the support and encouragement of others. We want to take this moment to express our gratitude…

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The Pressures of Change

Many of our parents and grandparents stayed in the same job for most of their career because their jobs provided a sense of security. Perhaps you, too, are a “lifer” in your organization. There was a time when American workers chose a job, whether consciously or subconsciously, because of the employer’s ability to shelter them…

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Behavior is a Choice, Not a Skill Set

I was recently listening to an interview with Frank Slootman, CEO of Snowflake Computing. When discussing his company’s culture and what he looks for in employees, he said, “Behavior is a choice, not a skill set.” Said another way, the culture of a company is the sum total of its employees’ actions. Fancy language and…

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Begin With the End in Mind

“Begin with the end in mind.” It’s a phrase that has been stated and restated for decades. I first came across this concept while reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I was highly intrigued by the way the author framed this particular practice. The best way to describe his approach…

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It’s Natural Leadership

We spend so much time on the Internet. We are constantly connected to a complex artificial environment, surfing the web, streaming media content, and accessing the cloud. It’s no secret that this technological addiction is affecting our productivity, leadership and well-being. What about the real waves and streams, the real webs spun in the wilderness…

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Trust is one of the most important indicators of organizational success. It is also one of the least-developed faculties in the business world. Distrust abounds in many organizations. An executive lacks faith in their manager’s ability to take on a bigger responsibility; workers on the shop floor don’t believe in the strategy the higher-ups are…

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How (and Why) to Delegate Effectively

Delegation is an essential skill, both in leadership and everyday life.  We all need to reach out periodically and ask for help. But it’s not always easy to do, for both social and psychological reasons. Let’s discuss the benefits of effective delegation, and try to remove some of the mental roadblocks that prevent us from…

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Polarity Management

Polarity management theory is a model for managing two forces that are opposite, yet interdependent.  When faced with two antipodal options, we often focus on the opposition, and may fail entirely to notice that the forces depend on each other. Think, for example, of breathing. Breathing is a complex biological process, but it can be…

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Stop Sending Surveys

I was recently informed of a safety recall on my car. Four weeks have passed without a fix or further instructions. But after each fruitless visit to the dealership, I’ve received an auto-generated email asking me to fill out a feedback survey to let them know how they’re doing. Now, I’m always eager to provide…

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