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After 25 years of various leadership roles in manufacturing, Bill Berthel found his calling in the world of professional coaching. Like most people, he started with a job that led to a career, but that career was not fulfilling; for many years he envied those who knew and lived their purpose. Bill is fortunate to have ultimately found his purpose, and is also aware of the very real challenges that exist in that pursuit. For this reason, he is committed to guiding others toward meaningful careers.

HR management was Bill’s last career before discovering his path in the area of “people potential” – development, training and coaching. He learned that when people dedicate themselves to discovering their highest potential, they can then find their true paths. Once that is accomplished, nothing can stop them! Bill has been honored to help many talented and passionate people in that pursuit.

Bill’s education in psychology and HR management, combined with his practical and rich experience in manufacturing and several not-for-profit leadership roles, allow him to empathize and relate to all kinds of people. The ability to connect with people is one of the most valued attributes in a leader. Bill’s TEDx presentation, “Effective Leaders Keeping it Real,” is devoted to the ability to relate to everyone – regardless of perspectives or belief systems.

As a continuous learner, Bill enjoys several pastimes that challenge his creativity and intellect. Playing guitar and writing energize his language and composition skill development, while woodworking and fly-tying stretch his creativity; engineering and entomology increase his knowledge and abilities. The most important thing in Bill’s life, however, is his family. Being a husband and father are his most cherished roles, and remain the areas in which he learns and grows the most so that he can be the best he can possibly be.

Credentials and Certifications:

  • Certified Professional Coach
  • Capella University: BSS in Psychology; Minor Studies in HR Management
  • Energy Leadership Index – Master Practitioner
  • NY State Notary Public


  • Contributor to several ASTM Standards
  • Oneonta TEDx 2017
  • Special Skills:
    • Engaging Group Facilitator
    • Executive and HR Leadership Coaching
    • HR Strategic Partner–Consultation
    • Leadership and Team Development

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Cathy Gaynor

Cathy Gaynor

Managing Partner
Ralph Simone

Ralph Simone

Founding Partner
Erika Davis

Erika Davis

Tricia Sticca

Tricia Sticca

Newell Eaton

Newell Eaton

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