Bill Berthel

Unleashing Team Potential: The Power of Accountable Leadership

In the realm of leadership, accountability is a key ingredient to driving success for everyone involved. Whether it’s in execution, collaboration, delegation, or leveraging technology, taking ownership of your responsibility as a team leader sets the stage for remarkable achievements. Recently, I had the privilege of collaborating with an exceptional leader who embodied this ethos….

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Mindfulness, Gratitude, and Beauty

Mindfulness practices are a great way to create a small but meaningful counterbalance to the hectic nature of life and leadership. Meditation, an elongated strategic pause in activity and thinking, is probably the most well-known. But many people enjoy more active mindfulness practices such as yoga, or, as I like to call it, “my morning…

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Leading Up

I am not sure if it’s courage or naivety, but I have never been afraid of “leading up.” In a hierarchical structure, leading up means managing those above you—influencing the direction of your organization despite a lack of positional authority. It’s giving your boss your honest opinion and asking for what you need. It isn’t…

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Connection is a bit like money. If you have enough of it, you take it for granted. But when you’re missing it, endless challenges result, and you are reminded of its irreplaceable value. I was recently struggling to create a new performance management model for a client. I couldn’t figure out what the client’s team…

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Exploring the Art of Execution: A Leadership Perspective

In recent months, I’ve been thinking a lot about execution. The concept has recurred lately in various projects, decisions, and relationships that hold significance in my life. In fact, I’ve decided to designate execution as my focal point for the year. And the more I delve into the subject, the more I find it to…

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Two Types of Information

When drafting a piece for the Emergent blog, I tend to use the voice-to-text function on my iPhone and then later find the note and coax it into coherence, to then share with our in-house team of editors to make it fit for public consumption. These are the blogs I like best to write. The…

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Origin Story

My colleague Erika Davis and I were recently guests on Alex Canavan’s podcast, Cultivate. Alex is an impressive young leader here in Syracuse with a passion for bringing people together. Her focus is on female leaders, and she herself has a voracious appetite for learning and development, an attribute all successful leaders share. The focus…

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Embracing the Fierce Gravity of Leadership

In the dynamic world of leadership development, we do not operate in a vacuum. We are constantly being acted upon by formidable forces which influence our range of choices and, in so doing, shape our journey. Consider the axiom, “Gravity is fierce.” This seemingly unconventional notion seems to encapsulate the essence of leadership. The forces…

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Emotional Accountability

For much of my adult life, there’s been a voice in my head. It’s a voice at once demanding and prideful, one that encourages me to follow its advice and rewards me handsomely for doing so. And what does it say? Be accountable to your emotions! I identify strongly with this voice, and consider it…

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Free in this Moment

In my upcoming book, there’s a chapter called “Get Out of Your Own Way.” As I teach what I need to learn, I wrote that chapter to remind myself how often I hold onto things that prevent me from living as well as I could. The main roadblocks blocking my path to higher awareness are…

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