
Building Teams

As leaders, we may have the opportunity to build a new team from the ground up, to grow a team that already exists, or to fully transform a team that is no longer as effective as it needs to be. A leader’s ability to build a trusting environment – where conflict is encouraged and where…

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Leadership Agility

Today’s leaders are facing increasing rates of complexity, change and interdependence, and these factors will continue to accelerate. Leading today requires the ability to be focused, fast, flexible, and agile. Having both the characteristics of speed and coordination, as well as the ability to react and respond quickly and appropriately to change, is the leadership…

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Stick to Your Knitting

“Stick to your knitting” is a phrase from the popular 1980s business bestseller, “In Search of Excellence“ by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman. It’s been popping into my head quite a bit lately. It most often comes up when my clients are desperately trying to juggle and prioritize the mounting number of items on their…

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The Joy of Missing Out

Many of you know me well enough to know I spend very little time on social media. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for me, let alone the more recent distractions like TikTok or Snapchat. While I still sometimes suffer from the FOMO (fear of missing out), making the conscious choice to not engage in what others…

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Communicating Clearly

When we create a shared understanding between two or more people leading to improved performance and connection, we have communicated clearly. When we convey the message in a way that others understand, we not only inform – we motivate and transform. That is an essential role of every leader, including the emerging leader. Communicating clearly…

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Leadership Presence

Leadership Presence

Leadership presence ensures that we are aligned and leading authentically. It is the foundation for how leaders influence and inspire purposeful action in ourselves, on teams, in organizations, and in life. It is knowing who we aspire to be as a leader, and using what we value most to drive leadership effectiveness, behavior, and performance….

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Stop, Drop and Roll

Recently while reading, “Peak Mind,” a book focused on strengthening attention, the author shared a number of options she uses while teaching the benefits of responding versus reacting. The technique that really grabbed my attention was referred to as stop, drop, and roll. Coincidentally, this is a simple fire safety technique taught to children, emergency…

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What is an Emergent Leader?

An emergent property, simply defined, is the result of energy having an experience. In other words, when energy has an experience, an emergence occurs. Leadership is an emergent property of integrated energies – and therefore leadership is energy having an experience! This is the intention behind all of what we do at Emergent with and…

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The concept of mindfulness is not nearly as complicated as many of us make it out to be. I like to say that it simply means paying attention to what is in front of you in a concentrated, focused, and nonjudgmental way. Vietnamese Buddhist zen master and author Thich Nhat Hanh says that the opposite of…

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The Life Force of Creativity

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will…

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