
12 Days of Leadership – Day 4

On the fourth day of leadership, my coach gave to me – Four Core Values On this fourth day of leadership, we share with you the gift of living fully through the four core values that mean the most to you. Be intentional about how you use your energy by making conscious choices that are…

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12 Days of Leadership – Day 3

On the third day of leadership, my coach gave to me – Three Things To Be Grateful For Merriam-Webster defines gratitude as a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. Today, on the third day of leadership, we offer you three ideas to consider in your gratitude practice: choices, roles models,…

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12 Days of Leadership – Day 2

On the second day of leadership, my coach gave to me – Two Minutes of Mindfulness Our second gift is two minutes of mindfulness. Quieting your mind at the beginning of the day creates the space for grace and focus. Strengthening your practice of short spurts of mindfulness will also help you to notice when…

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12 Days of Leadership – Day 1

On the first day of leadership, my coach gave to me – One Compelling Vision Our first gift to you is a compelling vision for your leadership. When you have a compelling vision, you are clear about the attributes that make up your leadership. You know precisely how you will make a difference (and real…

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Happiness and Fulfilment Applied to Leadership

Leaders are formed from all walks of life. In Emergent’s podcast segment, “Driving Leadership,” I have conversations with leaders aimed at demystifying leadership and at exposing an understanding of what drives people to lead. With nearly 12 episodes completed, I am left with a deep appreciation for the fulfillment leaders achieve in their endeavors; the…

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Time is Non-refundable. Use it with Intention.

Time perception is an accurate understanding of how our hours are spent. As the holiday season approaches, we are already seeing decorations in neighborhoods and the bustle in stores, and the response to a polite “How are you?” is a common refrain of “Too busy!” Life is undoubtedly full of personal commitments, work, family and…

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Data Driven Decisions

I am surprised how often I have a strong opinion about things I know little or nothing about. When I find myself in that situation, it seems that my lack of knowledge is not a hindrance; I repeat my strong opinion over and over, with greater confidence each time. I stand my ground, often standing…

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Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

“Psychological safety” is a term used to describe the safety in groups which allows the openness for sharing ideas and surfacing conflict. Although there is no OSHA-like agency that governs and monitors the safety of our emotions and feelings in the workplace, both contemporary leaders and generations of past leaders have valued psychological safety in…

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Would You Go To Space With Strangers?

If you had the chance to go to space, would you? And would you go with three complete strangers? A man named Jared Isaacman did just that – he was the mission commander of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft and Inspiration4, the first human spaceflight to orbit Earth with only private citizens on board. The Netflix…

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Leadership Presence

I recently remembered what I believe was a Billy Graham quote that appeared in the newspaper when I was a kid that said essentially, “A person of integrity behaves the same way 50 miles from home as they do when they are home.” This served as a timely reminder to me to check if I…

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