
When 80% is Good Enough

More times than I care to remember, I get in my own way by trying to be perfect. I get stuck in the fixed mindset trying to attain flawless results and perform at extremely high standards in almost all aspects of life. I identify with performing perfectly, finding it difficult to be satisfied with myself…

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Emotionally Strong

Much like Johnny Cash, I walk the line. As a coach, of course, I walk a different line than Cash… not the criminal line, not the line between light and dark, but rather the line between being highly supportive and highly directive. Some people would call it tough love … I like that too. But…

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Measure This!

One quote that has influenced me both personally and professionally is “that which is measured, improves.” Any change or achievement of which I’m most proud has in some way, shape, or fashion been written down, tracked, and measured. Many connect to this idea when it comes to goals like dropping a few pounds, increasing running…

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Are you listening to respond?

Many people have trouble relating to others, especially those they may have adverse feelings toward. This is a critical leadership skill, however, and as leaders, we should actively address it. The key is empathic listening – the ability to imagine yourself in someone else’s position and to intuit what that person is feeling. It is…

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My son and I play a game of chess almost every morning before he goes to school and I start my day’s work. We began playing as a way to connect and do something together … in theory. The reality is probably more that I like to connect and my competitive son likes beating his…

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Living Up to This Moment

“The name on the front of the jersey is a hell of a lot more important than the name on the back.” – Herb Brooks This quote by the 1980 Olympic hockey coach is a sentiment we seem to have lost in our country – or at least temporarily misplaced. We seem to have lost…

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Hot and Cold Cognition

Emotions, or the physiological states that arouse them, are often what power motivation. As leaders, human motivation must become an important part of our understanding because ultimately, leaders are interested in influencing others toward purposeful action. It’s arguable whether we motivate others or if motivation is only an intrinsic dynamic, but it’s important to understand…

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Pivots S..k!

It happened again – plans changed at the last minute because of COVID restrictions. This time it was Thanksgiving dinner that got rearranged because we needed to keep people safe. And so we pivoted. There’s that word again – “pivoted.” It’s the prettier version of adapting or flexing. And I enjoy pivoting about as much…

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The Purpose of Life

While my son was home for a few weeks in November, we watched a few movies as a family. One night we were in the mood to watch something light, and so we selected “City Slickers,” starring Billy Crystal. If you have not seen the movie, Billy Crystal’s character Mitch was going through a midlife…

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Only Distanced, Never Apart

Readership Warning: In this blog post, I am energized by the deep concerns we all have of the pandemic tightening its grip on us yet again. A small reprieve over the late summer months had some of us back to something fairly normal with shopping, some recreation events, and schools open and operating. Some of us got…

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