
Mindful Leadership

In many ways, it’s been a disappointing winter and painful winter so far. Between the covid variant and the Northeast’s usual seasonal viruses, I often hear people say – or find myself thinking – “life is hard.” Or “life’s not fair.” Or any number of other disempowering statements that seem to be spreading like –…

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Work/Life Integration

Have you ever found yourself out of step with your work/life balance? The problem starts with looking at your life and your work as separate, instead of looking at your work as an expression of your life. The problem is then compounded by technology, working from home, and the general sense of urgency accompanied by…

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The Joy of Missing Out

Many of you know me well enough to know I spend very little time on social media. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for me, let alone the more recent distractions like TikTok or Snapchat. While I still sometimes suffer from the FOMO (fear of missing out), making the conscious choice to not engage in what others…

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Stop, Drop and Roll

Recently while reading, “Peak Mind,” a book focused on strengthening attention, the author shared a number of options she uses while teaching the benefits of responding versus reacting. The technique that really grabbed my attention was referred to as stop, drop, and roll. Coincidentally, this is a simple fire safety technique taught to children, emergency…

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What is an Emergent Leader?

An emergent property, simply defined, is the result of energy having an experience. In other words, when energy has an experience, an emergence occurs. Leadership is an emergent property of integrated energies – and therefore leadership is energy having an experience! This is the intention behind all of what we do at Emergent with and…

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Happiness and Fulfilment Applied to Leadership

Leaders are formed from all walks of life. In Emergent’s podcast segment, “Driving Leadership,” I have conversations with leaders aimed at demystifying leadership and at exposing an understanding of what drives people to lead. With nearly 12 episodes completed, I am left with a deep appreciation for the fulfillment leaders achieve in their endeavors; the…

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Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

“Psychological safety” is a term used to describe the safety in groups which allows the openness for sharing ideas and surfacing conflict. Although there is no OSHA-like agency that governs and monitors the safety of our emotions and feelings in the workplace, both contemporary leaders and generations of past leaders have valued psychological safety in…

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Would You Go To Space With Strangers?

If you had the chance to go to space, would you? And would you go with three complete strangers? A man named Jared Isaacman did just that – he was the mission commander of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft and Inspiration4, the first human spaceflight to orbit Earth with only private citizens on board. The Netflix…

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Leadership Presence

I recently remembered what I believe was a Billy Graham quote that appeared in the newspaper when I was a kid that said essentially, “A person of integrity behaves the same way 50 miles from home as they do when they are home.” This served as a timely reminder to me to check if I…

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A Leadership Practice Worth Mastering

One of the most common complaints of the workforce today is not feeling heard or understood by one’s manager.  It sounds like this: “My boss doesn’t listen to me.” “My manager doesn’t understand what it’s like.” “My supervisor isn’t open to my perspective.” “I wish I had more of a say in _____” (fill in…

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