Ralph SimoneEFFECTIVENESS SIMPLIFIED Sometimes we can over-complicate what it really takes to become more effective in both leadership and in life… read more Cindy MasingillLEADERSHIP PRACTICE To re-frame your thoughts from judging to discerning, seek to understand where others are coming from, and more… read more Cathy GaynorEXERCISING GOOD JUDGMENT Everyone has heard the word "judgment" and for most of us this word has a negative connotation… read more Ralph SimoneLEADERSHIP PRACTICE If you want to pay attention to the things you might normally miss, practice spending a portion of… read more Cathy GaynorLEADERSHIP PRACTICE As Ralph Simone writes in his last post, we are sometimes too focused causing ourselves to be closed… read more Ralph SimoneTHE PARADOX OF FOCUS When you use the zoom feature on your camera, there's a trade-off you need to make… read more Ralph SimoneI was intrigued recently when I heard someone pose the question, "is google making us stupid"? My first inclination was… read more Ralph SimoneONE WEEK TO LIVE Some time ago, I lost a good friend unexpectedly. The loss hit me at many levels;… read more Cathy GaynorLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Self-awareness is a key leadership practice that can help you build on your strengths and identify any specific… read more Ralph SimoneIT IS NOT THE SPEED, BUT THE DIRECTION How many things can help us move faster? Faster internet, faster planes,… read more Ralph SimoneCREATING SPACE It is the space between the notes that makes the music possible. It is the space in and… read more Ralph SimoneSELF-TALK Could you ever imagine paying for a motivational audio program where the speaker told you that you "weren't any… read more Cathy GaynorLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Periodically throughout the day, pause for a few seconds to observe the flow of your breath. Become aware… read more Ralph SimoneMELT, MOLD, AND MOVE One of the processes that I discovered in conjunction with Jay and Bryan Morgan of Dynamic… read more Ralph SimoneIN THE ZONE BY ZONING OUT I was watching my son's workout with a personal trainer recently and I couldn't… read more Ralph SimoneLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Seek to understand the situations that boost or drain your energy by keeping an Energy Log for one… read more Ralph SimoneI recently returned from making a presentation and when my team asked me how it went, to their surprise I… read more Ralph SimoneMAKING IT STICK; 7 SIMPLE STEPS TO LASTING CHANGE 1. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY KEY POINTS While we use the strong declaration… read more Previous Page 1 … Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Next