
Stop Growing and Developing

While I am a huge fan of the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck,” I think author Mark Manson got one element wrong. He claims there is a natural “Law” called the “Backwards Law,” which suggests the human desire to improve and want for more is counterintuitive and that the opposite is…

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Your Moment of Lift

I just finished reading “The Moment of Lift” by Melinda Gates – what a wonderful book! She shares experiences from the work she is doing with the foundation she and her husband started in 2000. One such experience she writes about is the horrible misconception that the uber-rich can solve world problems by throwing money…

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Leading by Example

“I lead by example” is a popular response and catch phrase we often hear people say when asked to describe their leadership. My initial response is, of course you do – everyone does. People in your family and organization pay more attention to what you do than what you say. Leaders often talk about the…

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Pomodoro Productivity

I recently read a magazine article on something called the Pomodoro Method, a technique that helps with focusing on single tasks for shorter periods of time, resulting in improved productivity. It is a very simple technique that utilizes a timer and 25 minutes of focus, followed by a short break. A little back story: Recently…

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Empathetic Leadership

There’s plenty of great information available on the value and power of empathy for leaders – so much, in fact, I hesitate to write on this topic for fear of not adding any value to the discussion. However, I would like to share a facet of empathy often not associated with leaders: the facet of…

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What’s kicking your ass?

If you feel like your team is dysfunctional, uncooperative, toxic or broken, you’re not alone. Most corporate teams are not really teams; they are groups of people who show up Monday through Friday, work 8-9 hours a day, claim to be working towards a common goal, and say they want the same thing for the…

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There is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’

We’ve all heard the axiom before. Usually it’s in the context of reminding someone they are too focused on their own interests and not focused enough on the team. Sometimes it’s declared as a preemptive strike against the fear of lack of compliance to the agenda or team’s mission. Sometimes, it’s ensuring that the “cowboys”…

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Be a Chameleon

I remember reading once that it is useful – if not necessary – to be chameleon-like in order to create rapport and to be effective in interacting with others. I had a tough time swallowing this advice, and in fact, I was offended recently when a client referred to me as chameleon-like. I didn’t take…

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Seven Simple Leadership Lessons

The seven simple leadership lessons I was reminded of by 41 client leaders this past week: Rapport isn’t rocket science. All it takes is for one face-to-face interaction to really shift (for the better!) a relationship that’s been solely built by telephone and email. Influence isn’t just a topic underneath the heading of Leadership; it…

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Right People – Right Seats, pt II

In my last blog post, I revisited the analogy shared by Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great,” where he suggests that we need to get the right people on the right seats of the bus. In this blog post, I will focus on the book “Get a Grip,” by Gino Wickman and Mike…

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