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Tricia Sticca has been honing her leadership development and coaching skills all her life, both in and out of the office. Her intuitive ability to draw the best from those around her served her well in her corporate career. Starting as a sales representative, she eventually graduated to management, eager to provide her colleagues with more direct coaching and support. Soon she began to dream of starting her own coaching business, where she could dedicate more of her energy to developing others. When Emergent conducted some consulting sessions at her company, she modified her dream: Tricia wanted to work for Emergent. So, in an act of calculated impulsiveness, she retired from the corporate world and joined our team in 2023.

In her client work, Tricia acts as dreamer, cheerleader, and connector. She begins a coaching relationship by connecting to the client as a human being; then, on the basis of mutual trust, she is able to connect them to meaningful solutions. Her greatest joy is helping someone see something in themselves they never noticed before. She reminds her clients and colleagues of their own greatness and sets them on a path of greater happiness and success.

A committed coach and genuine team player, Tricia has also used her talents to improve her various communities. She has served on numerous boards and committees focused on leadership development, always guided by the mission of helping people find the leader inside of them. In one instance, Tricia brought more than 3,000 people together for a presentation with Jack Canfield, progenitor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series–a pivotal moment in her community work. She also created a local golf league for women, and is a founding member of her Toastmasters club.

Outside of coaching and serving the community, Tricia “serves the community” as a part-time bartender, a job that allows her to connect with new and old friends every week. She is an avid golfer. But her favorite activity is spending time with her husband of 27 years and her two grown sons, who bring her joy like nothing else in the world.

Credentials and Certifications:

  • 300+ hours of accredited one-on-one coaching
  • Professional Coaching Certification from iPEC (Institute for Professional
  • Excellence in Coaching), an accredited ICF program
  • International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach
  • Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner
  • E Leadership DynamicsTM Specialist
  • Full Focus Planner Certified Pro
  • Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) trained executive
  • Positive Intelligence Coach

Email Tricia at

Cathy Gaynor

Cathy Gaynor

Managing Partner
Ralph Simone

Ralph Simone

Founding Partner
Erika Davis

Erika Davis

Tricia Sticca

Tricia Sticca

Newell Eaton

Newell Eaton

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