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Ralph Simone has spent over a quarter of a century helping individuals and organizations transform themselves, raise their consciousness, and perform at their fullest potential.

As a Black Belt in karate and an avid reader, Ralph understands the benefits of consistent practice and continuous learning as integral parts of leadership development.

He received his B.B.A. from Siena College in 1979 with a major in accounting. He is a Certified Professional Coach, specializing in leadership and organizational effectiveness, and has amassed over 15,000 paid client coaching hours.

An accomplished writer and sought-after speaker, Ralph is currently writing a book entitled Slow Down to Go Faster. He also published Making It Stick and The Daily Re-Tweet.

See Ralph’s TEDx talk here.

Credentials and Certifications

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Facilitator
  • Emotional and Social Competency Inventory
  • Leadership Agility
  • Leadership Development Framework
  • E Performance Dynamics Specialist
  • Leadership Circle Profile

Special Skills

  • Leadership Coaching
  • Leadership Development
  • Business Development and Marketing
  • Relationship Management


Email Ralph at

Cathy Gaynor

Cathy Gaynor

Managing Partner
Ralph Simone

Ralph Simone

Founding Partner
Erika Davis

Erika Davis

Tricia Sticca

Tricia Sticca

Newell Eaton

Newell Eaton

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