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Effective Resource Utilization

  Too many organizations suffer from ineffective resource allocation. The problem may stem from various factors like inadequate delegation, employee burnout, or unclear direction, vision and goals. And the solution may lie in experimentation, for example reducing – yes, reducing…

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Accountability as an Empowering Principle

90% of employees would say that effectively holding others accountable is one of the top priorities of leadership. But how can you do that without “weaponizing” accountability? Bill and Ralph offer some tips and exercises to improve accountability in your…

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The Dilemma of the Working Manager

Balancing “Working On” and “Working In” the Business. Effective working managers are adept at managing polarities – strategy vs. tactics, planning vs. executing, delegating vs. doing. Ralph and Bill discuss the challenges that many working managers face, and offer tips…

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Your Culture Equals Your Actions

“Company culture” is an often-used – and perhaps overused – term. But what do we really mean by culture? Let’s keep it simple: your culture is created by your actions. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do. Are your actions aligned with what you want your organization to be?

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Performance Experiments

Ralph and Bill discuss a new activity to incorporate in your leadership: 6 weeks of short, asynchronous content focused on insights and behavior change. The concept is similar to the “42-day challenges” popular at fitness centers. When backed by accountability and support, these performance experiments can motivate learning and growth, and help you achieve your goals. What experiments can you try within your organization?

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Coaching for Engagement

So often lately we hear “people don’t want to work” and “we can’t find people.” The reality is that people don’t want to participate in the traditional employment paradigm. Organizations that successfully attract and retain talent understand the importance of employee engagement and know how to foster it. Ralph and Bill offer tips that you can use to overcome your recruitment challenges, improve your employee engagement and retention, and strengthen your business.

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How Do You Show Up As a Leader

More importantly, how do you want to show up and how is that different from how you actually show up? In this episode, Cindy and Ralph discuss the importance of “Leadership Presence” – knowing who you aspire to be as…

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A Conversation with the President of OneGroup

In this episode of our “Driving Leadership” series, Emergent’s Bill Berthel speaks with Chris Mason, President of OneGroup, an insurance agency based in Syracuse, New York. Chris traces his leadership path, and discusses building and maintaining an attractive culture as…

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