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Conditions for Speaking Up

  In this episode, Bill and Ralph discuss the value of changing our thinking about the way we solve problems. When we think of problem-solving as polarity management  -  that is, managing two forces that are interdependent but seemingly opposite…

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Stop Solving Problems

  In this episode, Bill and Ralph discuss the value of changing our thinking about the way we solve problems. When we think of problem-solving as polarity management  -  that is, managing two forces that are interdependent but seemingly opposite…

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Handoffs Don’t Require a Title

In many organizations, an enormous amount of time and energy is wasted by sloppy handoffs. Effective requests and delegation require the confidence to hand off tasks to the people best equipped for the task, regardless of their role or title.…

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Disruptive Leadership

Some effective leaders could be described as disruptive. But of course, we’re thinking of disruption as a constructive force - challenging the status quo, innovating, committing to lifelong learning and experimentation, being agile, and having the ability to adapt and…

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The Case for Vacation

Are you hesitant to take time off? Do you find yourself working while on vacation? Taking time “out of the business” is essential to personal refreshment and energy restoration. And just as important, reluctance to step away does a disservice…

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Dyer’s Dozen

After recently revisiting a book by Wayne Dyer that he read many years ago, Ralph was inspired to discuss with Bill the 12 principles the author identified as critical to effective leadership – “Dyer’s Dozen.” How many are you already…

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Five Fundamentals for Emergent Leaders

The definition of emergent is “coming into being.” In this episode, Ralph and Bill discuss foundational principles every emergent leader needs to be aware of, and importantly, needs to strengthen over the course of their leadership journey. So even if…

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12 Ted Lasso Leadership Lessons

Bill and Ralph dissect and discuss the leadership wisdom of Ted Lasso. Whether you’re a fan of the eponymous Apple TV show or haven’t seen it, listen in for a fun analysis of Lasso’s approach and gain insights on principles…

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Enlightened Leadership

Ralph defines enlightenment as discovering “the light within.” And as he and Bill discuss, when we allow our own lights to shine and take time to find the light within all those we work with - to tap into their…

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Leadership is Relationship

On this episode Bill and Ralph discuss two leadership “dials:” achieving and relating. We can often achieve results by skillfully relating with people. Listen for tips on how to best relate with others to achieve the results you seek for…

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