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Judging Judgment

There’s an old saying: we judge others by their actions, we judge ourselves by our intentions. For example, we might assume an employee who’s late for work is lazy or unreliable, without considering that there might be a valid, unavoidable…

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The Power of Not Knowing

In this episode, Bill speaks with Newell Eaton, a seasoned leadership coach and creative facilitator and frequent Emergent collaborator. As leaders, we can’t possibly know everything or have a solution to every problem. Consequently, there may be a temptation to…

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Peer to Supervisor Transition

In this episode, Ralph and Bill discuss identifying the key takeaways, insights, and concepts that we as leaders want our team members to remember, and perhaps more importantly, how we can help them apply those learnings to deliver positive results…

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Wisdom From Charlie

In this episode, Ralph and Bill discuss identifying the key takeaways, insights, and concepts that we as leaders want our team members to remember, and perhaps more importantly, how we can help them apply those learnings to deliver positive results…

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So What, Now What?

In this episode, Ralph and Bill discuss identifying the key takeaways, insights, and concepts that we as leaders want our team members to remember, and perhaps more importantly, how we can help them apply those learnings to deliver positive results…

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Context Matters to the Coach

Context is key. Until you understand the situation and its background, you can’t be effective as a leader or coach. With the context, you’re better prepared to ask relevant questions and share information that may be useful in helping someone…

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Making the Coaching Connection

The first step to making a connection as a coach is building trust. There are several ways to accomplish this, including being fully present and focused, being genuinely curious, and using basic rapport-building tactics. Listen to learn practical techniques to…

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Sharing Content as a Coach

To be an effective coach, it’s often necessary to share content with team members. But the ability to share content well has two prerequisites – deep listening and intelligent questioning. Bill and Ralph discuss the concept and offer tips on…

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Consciousness in Coaching

In your leadership, it’s important to become highly self-aware – understanding and acknowledging how you “show up,” how your demeanor or behavior impacts others, and being able to adapt your approach to the situation. Then you’re better able to achieve…

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Leader as Coach

Leaders need good leadership coaches, but can also act as coaches for their team. Doing so can improve organizational performance, engagement, culture, and morale. What key techniques should you employ to act as an effective coach? Listen in as Bill…

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