Cindy MasingillIn the agility world, a significant amount of training time is spent on “handling.” Handling includes hand signals, body positioning,… read more
Cindy MasingillLike most of you, every day I’m learning something new about what it really takes to be a great leader. … read more
Cindy MasingillCharles Bruxton once said, “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” Time… read more
Cindy MasingillThe English language is full of idioms. Remember this one? "Plastic Smile" Definition: a fake or forced smile, when someone… read more
Cindy MasingillI will never forget my first promotion, moving from sales representative to team leader, supporting a team of three inside-sales… read more
Cindy MasingillWhat makes a leader? If you find yourself pondering this question from time to time, you are not alone. Leaders… read more
Cindy MasingillLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Begin this practice of breaking patterns by experimenting with doing some common everyday things, differently. For Example: Take… read more
Cindy MasingillLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Reflect upon your life's purpose or mission, your reason for being. Begin to keep track of where and how you… read more
Cindy MasingillLEADERSHIP PRACTICE Here are a few tips intended to help you reignite your commitment to daily energy renewal movement for… read more
Cindy MasingillLEADERSHIP PRACTICE To re-frame your thoughts from judging to discerning, seek to understand where others are coming from, and more… read more