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‘Tis the Season

Tis the Season

The changing of the season often brings about changes in us. Holiday breaks afford us the opportunity for strategic pauses, reflection and preparation for what’s to come. Here in Syracuse, we ready ourselves for the winter season in many ways, whether by pulling out boxes of decorations or putting snow tires on our cars. But no matter where in the world you are, it’s evident that this time of year is different.

This year, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice occurs at 10:27 PM. This marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. The optimists among us recognize that the days begin to get longer from this time, but they also get colder, reminding us that winter is a time for gathering in cozy places, celebrating holidays, and being with those who make us feel warm.  As Katherine May reminds us in her book “Wintering,” it’s a time for rest and retreat, healing, and building strength and resilience.

For some, winter is a time for hibernation. Others come alive as they ski, snowboard, snowmobile, or snowshoe across the tundra-like landscapes. Some celebrate important holidays in their religious traditions, while others seek spiritual fulfillment in the snow-covered forests. But no matter how you spend your winter, and no matter what holidays you celebrate, the team at Emergent wishes you wellbeing, great fortune and an abundance of love and joy!

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