Think of some of the inspirational quotes about baby steps that you’ve read –
Small steps to big change…
Take one small step in the direction of your dreams…
Big things change with many small steps…
What small step have you taken today? Studies, research, and self-improvement articles often remind us that small steps, done frequently, move us through and to BIG change. Sometimes I make it so much harder by trying to problem-solve, trying to skip the baby steps in favor of trying to leapfrog to the answer. I spend time looking for that big change that will make all the difference, instead of working steadily – and surely – toward it with small steps.
Whether it is a work project or challenge, a relationship situation, or a client issue, we just need to identify one baby step – the next logical thing in front of us – to start moving toward change. A small step could be making a phone call, having a conversation, or gathering information.
Identifying that next logical action is a great way to look at any situation. Don’t analyze what you didn’t get done, should have done or could have done. Look instead at what you CAN do. Action with the right intention will lead to results.
No steps are too small. What baby steps are you intending? What is your next logical step?
“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.”
– William James
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