Have you ever stood hip-deep in a stream and felt the steady rush of water around your feet? Those are the deep currents – the currents that keep the water moving and flowing. Life comes with some sunny and calm days AND stormy and choppy days; they all make up the ebb and flow of our daily lives, and they all depend on our deep currents – our values, our meanings, our purpose – to keep us moving and flowing. What deep currents are you creating in your relationships and your life?
As I mentioned in my last writing, our actions are affected by our thoughts and self-talk, the language we use almost habitually. If you’re facing a change or challenge in your life, rely on your deep currents to keep you moving. What is the deep current or purpose in your relationship? How can it keep you moving effortlessly despite whatever is going on in life?
“My legacy is that I stayed on course… from the beginning to the end, because I believed in something inside of me.” Tina Turner
Find your deep currents, and stay the course.
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