From the first time we’re tossed in the air as a baby – and caught – to the first time our own babies are tossed in the air – and caught – we are learning about trust … the trust we have in others, and the trust others have in us. Beginning with that relationship with our parents, our ability and our need to trust is defined.
And yet it is a fragile ability, a tenuous need – one that needs to be cultivated and maintained continually to remain vibrant. I am always amazed by the similarities and differences – but perpetual existence – of my trust relationship with my parents as their child, and my trust relationship with my daughter as her parent. I am reminded often that the value of trust continually needs to be demonstrated and discussed.
As both our parents and our children get older, I need to consistently work on my trust, on many levels – trusting the process, trusting our relationships and trusting that everything will work out. With with my teenage daughter as well as my parents, I need to trust that our relationship will help us with the life changes we are approaching – whether it’s going off to college, or looking at the next steps to aging, including where to live, who will handle the logistics, or who will handle the finances.
Trusting our people involves letting go of the past, and being vulnerable with interdependence versus always pushing our value of independence. We know we can do things ourselves, but it feels so much better when we feel like we are a team and can lean on each other – when we know, if we’re thrown in the air, we’ll be caught.
Trust me.
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