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Fresh starts are in the air…..

One of my friends sent me an e-mail the other day entitled “Fresh starts are in the air…”  I love this time of year and the buzz of creating goals, starting new challenges, and the focus on physical well-being. 

But a conversation with another friend prompted an interesting question: Isn’t every day a chance for a fresh start?  Why do we only focus on one time of year to start something new or lose a bad habit, when we have that same opportunity every morning when we wake up?

Not only do we limit our time frame for our goal-setting, many of us – myself included – make our goals too big, too overwhelming. For example, to go from working out 1 or 2 days a week to 5 or 6 might be too big of a jump. How reasonable is it to fit in 3 more workouts this week? Unrealistic expectations can set us up for failure – which is definitely not our goal. Adding another workout or two might be more practical.

Also, what are your intentions for your relationships this year?  Where could you look at a small step in one of your relationships? Rather than looking for a complete overhaul, you could choose to, for example, listen more, connect more frequently, etc. Fresh starts don’t have to be big to be successful … and sometimes, less is more!

How about an intention for this year to check in monthly on your progress with your small fresh starts?

As always, please feel free to reach out to connect with me around your intentions and how I can support you in your achievements for the New Year.

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