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We are an IT Hardware sales company of about 75 employees – based in East Syracuse, NY. We started talking to Ralph Simone & Emergent as sales numbers were growing and so was the sales management team. We wanted to learn how to communicate better & more openly as a team. The future growth of the company and the sales organization depends on us getting better as leaders.

We’ve now been working with Ralph Simone & Emergent for over two and a half years. We meet with Ralph every two weeks as a sales leadership team. When we started – Ralph & his team at Emergent took the time to come in and understand our company, our team, and our needs as a group.

For our needs, Emergent has new content for us to discuss every two weeks based on an agenda we’d like to talk about or one that Ralph believes we need to explore. Many times we’ll have prep work such as a short leadership article to read, a TED Talk to listen to, or a YouTube video to watch. They always fit perfectly for the upcoming discussion topic. We really look forward to our bi-weekly meetings.  Ralph’s honest & open personality has allowed us to feel comfortable opening up to him. Due to Ralph’s business experience and the fact that he is well-read within many of the topics of our discussion – Ralph has been able to draw out conversations that we didn’t realize we needed to discuss. Our meetings have become very spirited and emotional. Ralph has no problem giving us a little kick in the ass and telling us what we need to hear to improve, but he will also be the first person to congratulate us on a job well done and celebrate with us too!

Emergent is teaching us to become better people, leaders, and decision-makers. We’re looking at the strengths of the individuals in the group and drawing on the positives of each person to accomplish goals as a team. Our trust for each other is positively off the charts and so is our business.

Thanks, Ralph Simone & Emergent for everything you do! We look forward to continued work together as we keep growing.

Ross Maniaci
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