Whether in our personal or professional lives, sometimes it’s beneficial to intentionally step away from our busy worlds to step… Listen Why do so many of us abandon our New Year’s resolutions by the second Friday in January? Join Bill and… Listen The stimulus for change may vary depending upon the situation, but often a loss of energy around even the most… Listen There is a dichotomy in all people – the “light” and “shadows” of our psyches. These “shadows,” are often subconscious… Listen Being humble allows one to create connection with others, feel empathy for others, and recognize congruency (or a lack thereof)… Listen When recruiting new team members, cultural fit is essential, but Ralph and Bill advocate for seeking candidates who not only… Listen How does the information you share with your team affect the amount of influence you have as a leader? And… Listen Is creativity an innate talent, or can it be taught and learned? Ralph and Bill believe both are actually true,… Listen Inspired by ideas set forth by Ellen Tadd in her book The Infinite View, Ralph and Bill discuss the importance of… Listen Ralph and Bill return to a topic they previously discussed in an episode called “The Yes List,” offering more practical… Listen In this second of a two-part series, Bill and Ralph discuss ten of their favorite Get Emergent episodes and summarize… Listen The first of a two-part episode in which Ralph and Bill reflect on their what they consider the best podcasts… Listen Just as you or your doctor monitor key criteria to evaluate your health, there are leadership and organizational vital signs… Listen Independence is certainly a virtuous trait, but taken to an extreme, independent thinking and acting can hinder relationship building, cooperation,… Listen The most effective leaders are lifelong learners. That includes Ralph and Bill. Listen and hear what they’ve been focused on… Listen This episode is inspired by the Living Color song “Cult of Personality,” the lyrics to which contrast the personalities of… Listen In some European organizations, it’s common to give all employees simultaneous time off, often for extended periods. The policy may… Listen It requires a level of unfounded confidence to “fake it ‘til you make it.” Unfounded confidence is not necessarily a… Listen Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 … Page 8 Next