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At Emergent, we believe in the empowerment of all people; diversity, equity and inclusion are ideals we hold close to our hearts. Our commitment to relationships, contribution, trust and growth are unwavering. We acknowledge the persistent effects of systemic injustice on marginalized social groups and recognize that achieving true justice is an ongoing journey, for our society, our firm and ourselves as individuals. So, we are committed to listening, learning and evolving as we strive to create a more equitable world.

The primary mission of Emergent is to encourage human development and high-level performance. In order to achieve this goal, we must constantly expose ourselves to new perspectives. Empathy, education and curiosity encourage us to expand our understanding of the human experience and remind us to meet our clients where they are. Each day is an opportunity to learn how history, language and social categories inform each individual’s lived experience; the more we learn, the more effective we are at fulfilling our mission.

We know that we will, at times, fall short of our inclusive ideal, and we invite feedback from everyone we work with. Everyone is capable of growth, so long as they are able to look at their situation with clear eyes and an open heart. We intend to grow toward justice.

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