Everything is energy. The faster the vibration, the more vital and impactful the energy.
To live and to lead effectively and vitally, we need to pay attention to our energetic vibration, and we need to pay attention to regular restorative activities for the four sources of energy – spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional.
I recently watched a course from my Master Class subscription featuring “The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky. Gretzky is the leading goal scorer, assist producer, and point scorer of all time in NHL history. During the session Gretzky shared that while he is proud of his scoring records, the key to his success in the NHL (along with skill) was his longevity. His ability to stay healthy for most of his career enabled him to achieve all those records. You must be present to play.
Being present to play in the game of life is facilitated by our commitment to restorative activities in not only the physical dimension, but also spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Just like when a flight attendant tells us in case of oxygen loss in the main cabin to put our mask on before attempting to assist others, most of us don’t pay attention to the importance of self-care in these four areas.
If we are to fully engage in life and in leadership, we need to commit to daily, integrated, synergistic renewal in these four areas of energy – and it needs to be our first priority, not our last. We need to think about our lives and our leadership differently, recognizing that we cannot lead others to levels of effectiveness that we ourselves are not at. It starts with our energy and a commitment to make it a priority.
The first reason I usually hear – even from myself – about why that energy is not a priority is that we don’t have enough time. And while time may sometimes be a challenge, it cannot be an excuse. Get creative with how you use your day. Get up just a little earlier and instead of hitting the ground running, build some stillness and inspirational reading into your day. Do some light stretching and some body weight exercises that get your blood pumping. Go for a walk, take the stairs, park your car far away from where you’re headed. Pause throughout the day to check in with yourself to see how you are feeling and what you are thinking. Find ways to involve your family and friends in your commitment to increasing your vibration and practicing energy renewal in these four areas.
Just now, in fact, my family has suggested that I take my vibration outside and cut the grass. Guess it’s a good start.
Comments (1)
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. Excellent piece, Ralph and often underestimated. Your comments are timely and an excellent reminder.