I scheduled a doctor’s appointment today after a week of not feeling quite right, unsure as to whether it was related to a recent procedure, diet, or my body just breaking down. I was able to get an appointment with short notice and was glad I did – not so much for the medical treatment I received, but for the life advice my doctor shared.
We were discussing whether my wife Maggie and I should go on our scheduled vacation to Charleston, S.C. in light of the coronavirus and how I was currently feeling. Somewhere in the middle of our conversation he prescribed a lime aid drink he felt would help with my energy. It contained a few items that I don’t generally purchase; my doctor quickly assured me the local grocery store would not be out of them despite the hoarding taking place with many products. We discussed how much of the hoarding was probably out of fear, but there seemed to be some grounded assessments around the possibility that there was some less than positive motivation as well.
My doctor then said that while this health scare is real, that behavior is not nice – and I heard and felt a much different meaning of the word nice than ever before in my life. This is a very scary time; there are many unknowns, financial implications, inconveniences, ruined vacations, and impacted livelihoods. And there is no better time to be nice and kind to every single individual we encounter, because each of us in some way is affected by this pandemic. And each of us, in some small – and perhaps large – way can make it easier for the rest of us just by being nice.
I like this idea of being nice. I actually think it is my true nature, and the true nature of every other human being until we lose our way. And at this moment in time I am thinking of NICE in this way:
N – Now
I – Inspire
C – Caring
E – Engaging
What can we each do now to make this situation, or any other challenging situation, less stressful and painful? What small act of kindness can we show someone in need, someone we don’t know, or perhaps even someone who we don’t care for? How can our actions inspire others to remember more about who they are and why they were sent here?
What can we do to show that we care? Whether we are impacted directly or not – and I believe the covid-19 virus affects us all in one way or another – what is something we can do or not do that will show our compassion for those affected along with a genuine interest in helping them in some small way?
This moment, like many other moments in history, creates an opportunity for us to engage with each other differently – to make a difference in people’s lives, not for what we can get, but for what we can give. We also have an opportunity to get pleasure and enjoyment out of some of the simpler things in life. These are perspective-giving moments, moments that will come and go, but hopefully moments that will make us nicer.
When the uncertainty of this current health scare has you unsure of what your next move will be, remember that it should start with just being nice. Doctor’s orders.
Comments (2)
So true Ralph. Stay health and be nice!
Thanks Ralph. We can’t say it enough. Stay