The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart turns the self-development paradigm on its ear. The book describes a number of scientifically validated studies of the healing power of intention, but more importantly also reveals the mirroring positive impact that the sending of good intentions has on the sender of these intentions. People from across the world have proven that by wanting good for another, personal and global healing can be accelerated.
For years in our leadership coaching practice I/we have held positive intentions for each of our clients based on their stated desired outcomes and leadership challenges. Simply by holding the intention, supported by an elevated emotion, the process of manifestation is initiated.
This process is a variation of a strategy that we employ during our LeadFORWARD process, which is a year-long transformational experience that takes a holistic approach to sustained performance at the leadership, team, and organizational levels. In LeadFORWARD we introduce and form Master Mind Groups. The concept of MMG was first coined by Napoleon Hill in his 1930 bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. A Master Mind Group is a group of people working in harmony towards a common objective.
The evolution of that idea is described in a slightly different way in The Power of Eight and informs the way we are redesigning our MMG as part of the LeadFORWARD process. We ask participants to share an intention or declaration, usually around something that they intend to manifest in their business and/or with their teams. We have them articulate this intention in some detail along with the elevated emotions that they will experience as this intention is realized.
We request that all other participants focus on and hold each other’s intentions for a period of one week. We specifically request that they invest between two and five minutes daily holding the intention of one of their colleagues. We next pay attention to how holding these intentions influences the outcomes for all parties.
McTaggart’s research proves that the size of the group doesn’t matter, the location of participants doesn’t matter … the only thing that matters is a sincere interest in wanting for others what you want for yourself.
If interested in starting your own Power of 8 leadership group, please contact Emergent at
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