Could you ever imagine paying for a motivational audio program where the speaker told you that you “weren’t any good and would never amount to much?” What would you think of this? How would you feel about paying for this type of “help”? My hunch is that you would reject any other advice from this source and promptly request a refund. Yet sometimes we pay dearly for this exact type of advice through our own disempowering self-talk. Instead, we want to create a motivational track that guides us towards our intended greatness. We want to fill our motivational program with a combination of affirmations and declarations that align our path with that of our true passions.
An affirmation is written or spoken in the first person, present tense, and is positive in nature. It is a reminder to ourselves of who we are and serves as an invitation to enter our greatness. Some examples of affirmation include:
- I have all the time I need to work on what is important.
- I am comfortable building lasting relationships.
- I am letting go and enjoying every moment.
- I am happy and feeling very positive about my career and my life.
What we think about expands; therefore the theory is to think about what we want to have happen in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t want to have happen.
A declaration is an utterance in which someone with authority to do so brings something into being that wasn’t there before. For example:
- I am completely satisfied with where I am in life.
- I will forgive anyone and everyone for perceived transgressions.
True contentment comes when we are able to be satisfied, independent of anything or anyone else. Satisfaction is generally considered an assertion, or related to physical forms and circumstances. This results in a “victim” mentality, opposed to the very nature of human beings. Satisfaction based on a declaration is a function of nothing and is related to nothing. It is unconditional and represents our highest possible energetic level.
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