Ralph Simone

Do You Make Conscious Choices?

10 CORE DISCIPLINES OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER Discipline 3: The Transformational Leader makes conscious choices. The effective leader knows that the more overall energy he has, the more present and sharp he is and the quicker and better he is able to make the best choices. He practices discernment and non-judgment and simultaneously uses logic,…

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Do You Accept What Is?

10 CORE DISCIPLINES OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER Discipline 2: The Transformational Leader accepts what is. The effective leader does not beat herself up. She accepts all aspects, traits, quirks, etc., of herself and others. She doesn’t take things personally, and doesn’t look at anything that happens as more than it actually is. Instead she accepts…

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Are You Aware?

10 CORE DISCIPLINES OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER Discipline 1: The Transformational Leader is aware. The effective leader constantly observes and assesses himself/herself and everything around him/her. He/she understands what is true for him/her is not necessarily Truth. At any given moment, he/she is aware of who he/she is, why he/she is, and how he/she is…

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7 Simple Steps to Lasting Change

It is Your Responsibility While we use the strong declaration – it is your fault to get your attention, it is not about blame. It is however about personal responsibility and empowerment. When we buy-in that we have attracted most everything that shows up, either consciously or unconsciously, we feel empowered to change things that…

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Creating Space

It is the space between the notes that makes the music possible. It is the space in and around the vase that defines it’s shape. And it is the space that we create in our lives and our leadership that gives rise to insights, inspiration, and innovation. Unfortunately many of us have grown so accustomed…

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Cruise Control Inoperative

My son and I were on our way to karate class when the instrument panel of my car flashed, Cruise Control Inoperative. Without hesitation I immediately went into problem solving mode, instructing my son to retrieve the owner’s manual from the glove compartment, to look up the problem. And then in a moment, that I…

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Homework – Life’s Intitial Leadership Practice

While watching both of my children diligently perform their homework one evening, I couldn’t help but conclude that homework provides each of us with our initial leadership practices. Practice is defined as repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency. And as students of life, just as students in school we need to…

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Think about a time when you felt most free.When was it? What were your life circumstances? For me it was during my college days. Although I didn’t own much then, in fact everything I did own fit comfortably into the 1968 Chevelle that I inherited from my grandfather. But this was a time when I was free…

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Meditate, Move, and Mingle

Perhaps my interest in meditation started with my own need to slow down and sit still and to just develop more patience for what is. Or maybe it is rooted in my need to be a peaceful being. But in the end my intention is to assist myself and others to gain perspective. Sometimes in my search…

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Lean Into the Feeling

I was observing some casual conversation recently where everyone is doing great. The business is great, the family is doing well, just returned from a wonderful vacation, blah, blah, blah….. While I am confident that some of what people were exchanging was true, each of the interactions seemed to lack some level of authenticity. It is almost…

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