
7 Days to Renewed Energy and Perspective

INTENDED OUTCOME: The end in mind is to get you into action and feeling good about your commitment to your ongoing growth, energy renewal, and positive perspective during these challenging, uncertain, and unprecedented times. Our seven-day process is intended to provide you with a plan that is easy to accomplish and that integrates mind, body,…

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Transparency versus Vulnerability

Transparent Leadership Brene Brown’s work on vulnerability has been showing up frequently in the news and on social media. I enjoy her work tremendously and am aligned with much of her research and her vision around what is needed by leadership. I prefer the word transparency rather than vulnerability; vulnerability seems almost too personal for…

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The New Driven Leader

Driven. “Relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious.” Most of the leaders we work with are driven, and that drive brings fulfillment to our mission – that drive, if you will, drives us. Driven leaders are clear about outcomes; they are bold at facing development gaps (most of the…

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The Five C’s of Leadership

I recently came across yet another book about leadership, written by a former college president and an assigned reading from my daughter Sophie’s freshman year of business school. When I inquired if she would mind if I borrowed the book, I also asked what she thought about it. Not unlike her father, she is quick…

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When Restorative Practices Need Restoring

Restorative practices are those habitual activities we intentionally engage in for the purpose of recharging our energy. Not unlike rechargeable batteries, our performance requires our bodies, minds, hearts and souls to have an opportunity to rest and recharge; otherwise our resilience will be weak and we’ll get “tapped out” sooner than we’d like. And not…

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Mind Reader

Whenever our family watches a superhero movie, inevitably we ask each other, “What would you want your superpower to be?” My wife always chooses the classic ability to fly. My son invariably requests multiple powers so he doesn’t have to choose, while my answer has always been the ability to read the bad guy’s mind….

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Inner Inspiration

A podcast, an article, and a book: Finding inner inspiration out there In the recent weeks of quarantine living and Zoom working, I’ve realized how much inspiration can be found in our quiet moments of self-care – those activities in which we engage to both relax and re-energize. Those activities, for me, typically include listening…

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Leading Through Difficult Times

It’s not easy being a leader today. It could be argued that it’s never easy to be a leader, but it remains essential regardless – and part of what makes one is the acceptance of that knowledge. I learned much of what I know about leadership from my mother. She passed away a little over…

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Returning to Normal

“Normal” is generally defined as usual, typical, or expected. It’s the general sense of routine and expectancy we’ve developed through the years that provides a stability to our lives … and our lives since COVID-19 have been anything but usual, typical, or expected. We continue to isolate ourselves in hopes of “flattening the curve,” and…

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Appreciation and Encouragement

During this time of working from home and dealing with challenges of connecting with your teams, co-workers, peers, and clients, appreciation and encouragement are critical. Even our families need that support, as we are challenged to be at home working and schooling together. In “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” by Gary Chapman…

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