
Listening – A New Approach

This week I heard something that both intrigues me and challenges me. A colleague shared something from a book she’s reading, in which the author suggests four “don’ts” when communicating with others. We’ll call it a listening approach, although it may be more accurately labeled a talking approach. Here it is: No fixing No saving…

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Why I Love Coaching Millennials

Despite my experience and background in Human Resources, I have resisted the generational stereotyping so common in my field. I have given presentations on the topic of Generations In The Workplace on several occasions, and I am invited to do so because my approach is that of common ground – how we’re the same –…

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Unstuck your Team

Teams frequently get stuck. While different than complete dysfunction – but sometimes a precursor – teams may become challenged and stagnant for various reasons. In the worst case scenario, they remain stuck and become dysfunctional, and so identifying a stuck team and getting it unstuck is an important responsibility for a leader. In Patrick Lencioni’s…

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Autonomy, Teams and Impact

We come together in teams and organizations for many reasons. One over-arching reason is that we can accomplish more together than we can as individuals. We’re often left with the sense that teams are critically important towards greater accomplishments and we are reminded that even the examples of seemingly singular heroes, entrepreneurs and “lone wolf”…

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Ego and Teams

Illness was no doubt the final cause Of the whole urge to create; By creating, I could recover; By creating, I became healthy. – German poet Heine imagines God explaining Creation We come together in teams and organizations for many reasons. One foundational reason is that we know we can achieve certain goals with others…

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Team Marvel

What can you do when a team isn’t performing to its potential? High performing teams – the idea that the sum is greater than the combined efforts of the individual parts – sometimes elude even the best and most talented performers and leaders. And tiny tweaks, it turns out, can make all the difference. For…

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