Get Emergent

Are You Able to Dial it Back?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE What can you do to dial it back in a way that’s enough but not too much? Put people at ease Ask others what they think Listen to their answers Frame your solutions as questions Share the credit for good ideas Pick your battles Would you rather be effective over the long run…

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Competition – How Much is Too Much?

Let me start out by stating that I am competitive, at times very competitive, so as I ask you to reflect on the title of this article, I am reflecting right along with you. The emphasis on winning at times has become all consuming – be the fastest, smartest, win the game, get the highest…

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Is Your Team High-Performing?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE According to a study on effective teams released by the Best Companies Group, the five most crucial components of high-performing teams were: Goal Setting: knowing where you are going Communication: the best use of your eyes, voice, and ears Trust: believing in others and being trustworthy yourself Accountability: doing what you say you…

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Do You Need an Energy Renewal?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE Here are a few tips intended to help you reignite your commitment to daily energy renewal movement for yourself: Find a variety of activities that you really enjoy for each of the dimensions of energy renewal (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional). Block out time at the beginning of your week for each of…

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Are You Investing In Yourself?

EFFECTIVENESS SIMPLIFIED Sometimes we can over-complicate what it really takes to become more effective in both leadership and in life. We sometimes get caught up in the next new book, exercise gadget, or miracle diet and forget to keep things simple. I’ve learned through experience (a lot of trial and error) that there are a…

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Are You Judging or Discerning?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE To re-frame your thoughts from judging to discerning, seek to understand where others are coming from, and more importantly how they got there. When someone proposes an alternative viewpoint, don’t disagree with them immediately and judge their idea as stupid or wrong. Instead, ask them questions to better understand where they’re coming from…

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Are You Exercising Good Judgment?

EXERCISING GOOD JUDGMENT Everyone has heard the word “judgment” and for most of us this word has a negative connotation related to the inevitable unfairness we associate with judging others. What does that really mean? Judgment can be exercised for good, especially in delicate or stressful situations, and in this context it is often referred…

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Do You Want to See Thing Differently?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE If you want to pay attention to the things you might normally miss, practice spending a portion of your day showing up differently, doing the opposite of what you would normally do. If you’re usually the type of person with all the answers, practice saying “I don’t know.” If you usually drive to…

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Are You Open to New Ideas?

LEADERSHIP PRACTICE As Ralph Simone writes in his last post, we are sometimes too focused causing ourselves to be closed to new ideas. An important aspect of collaboration is remaining open to new ideas, even if they seem to disagree with what you know to be possible or true. It is essential for you to…

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Are You Too Focused?

THE PARADOX OF FOCUS When you use the zoom feature on your camera, there’s a trade-off you need to make. To focus on a specific object or portion of the image field, you must gradually give up your ability to view the rest of the image field as you continue to zoom in. This inverted…

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