Emotional Intelligence


I recently encountered a significant and potentially expensive technology problem that required a phone call with tech support. The specialist at the other end of the line was incredibly helpful and remarkably kind. At the close of our call, she asked me if I would be willing to stay on the line to complete a…

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Emotional Ignorance is Expensive

In our day-to-day lives, we are bound to encounter people who lack empathy. It might be the person in line ahead of us haranguing the stressed-out grocery store clerk, or the Facebook warrior calling people names in the comment section. And each of us, at one time or another, has done harm to someone else…

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Hot and Cold Cognition

Emotions, or the physiological states that arouse them, are often what power motivation. As leaders, human motivation must become an important part of our understanding because ultimately, leaders are interested in influencing others toward purposeful action. It’s arguable whether we motivate others or if motivation is only an intrinsic dynamic, but it’s important to understand…

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The Dark Side of Achievement Orientation

We are an achievement-oriented society. In many cases, it’s how we measure success, growth, and overall status. It can propel us toward advancement and be the impetus for needed changes in our lives. As leaders, we employ that drive to achieve in our efforts to bring the best out of our employees. As employees, we…

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Wearing Emotions on your Sleeve

A common challenge when working with organizations, teams, and leaders for developing more sustainable leadership performance is understanding emotional intelligence. We can define it, and most people know they need more of it, but we are often stymied by the area/competence called “Emotional Self-Control.” When not correctly understood, this competency often makes leaders feel they…

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What is it about finishing? I find myself asking that question a lot lately as my son finishes his junior year of high school. While it is not always easy to get started, it seems that many people have even more trouble finishing. Many of us are in a hurry to leave whatever we’re doing…

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You’re In Charge: Now What?

I will never forget my first promotion, moving from sales representative to team leader, supporting a team of three inside-sales representatives. It was an exciting time, and I couldn’t wait to dive right in. After the first week in my new role, my excitement was replaced with doubt and my dive-right-in attitude turned into hesitation….

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Emotional Intelligence in Action

Emotional Intelligence consists of a dynamic and interdependent relationship between Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management. It can be developed. But its true effectiveness is tested in present moment application.  Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, motivating ourselves, managing emotions well in ourselves and…

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Strengthening Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is creating quite a buzz in corporate America. Organizations appreciate the benefits and bottom-line results they receive when their leaders consistently connect emotionally with their employees. The ability to emotionally connect with employees is inspiring and creates a stronger sense of followership in supporting the organization’s mission and high-leverage goals. Recognizing our own…

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